229 Mountbatten Road, #01-23 Mountbatten Square, Singapore 398007
229 Mountbatten Road, #01-23 Mountbatten Square, Singapore 398007
Modelling & Simulation
Electrical Distribution Network Modelling
Electricity Distribution Networks include power flow control gear like transformers, switches, and breakers.

These devices connect through cables or bus bars. Distribution agencies often make Single Line Diagrams (SLDs), also called feeder diagrams, for their networks. SLDs don’t need to be to scale; they’re just a representation of the supply network. 

Maps showing feeders may or may not be drawn to scale. Utilities often make Single Line Diagrams (SLDs) or maps with symbols for each equipment type and different line styles for cables. They might use colours to distinguish different feeder networks. Nowadays, electricity distribution networks cover large areas with various equipment. Utilities prefer computerized tools to model and visualize these networks. They use software for network analysis, conducting studies to calculate Technical Losses and optimize feeder networks. This helps them efficiently manage and make the best use of their electricity distribution systems.

We provide a software that helps utilities to correctly model their supply networks.

  • Offers choice of preferred equipment symbols for creating feeder models
  • Offers comprehensive graphics capabilities, enabling you to easily develop and modify feeder models as needed
  • Streamlines the modelling process and minimize user inputs
  • Includes pull-down menus for selecting equipment and cable types
  • Ensures efficiently creating feeder models with minimal efforts
  • Exhibit intelligence by guiding through the logical steps of constructing feeder models
  • Annotates the attributes of choice to the equipment and cables in the feeder network
  • Has a built-in module, which would allow the choice to assign unique IDs to the feeder elements, as per the scheme preferred by the utilities

We can also help you check for

  • Electrical Connectivity of all the equipment in the Feeder Model
  • Proper placement of nodes
  • Proper placement of equipment modelled in the feeder network
  • Ensures that the modelled equipment is only one of those that are used by the utility
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