229 Mountbatten Road, #01-23 Mountbatten Square, Singapore 398007
229 Mountbatten Road, #01-23 Mountbatten Square, Singapore 398007
Technical Consultancy
Power Quality Consultancy
In today’s digital world, having good power quality is crucial. Many devices in industries, offices, and homes need high-quality power to work well. How well equipment works depends a lot on the quality of the power it gets.

If the power isn’t good, it can cause more downtime, more problems, and sometimes even make equipment stop working. On the other hand, when machines get good-quality power, they work better, use less energy, and are less likely to get damaged. This means companies can save a lot of money on operating costs.

Factors that impact power quality

  • Voltage Level – Variations in the voltage level can cause the equipment to malfunction and cause power quality problems.
  • Unbalanced Voltage – Unequal voltage levels in different phases of the system can cause unbalanced current flow, leading to overheating of equipment and reduced operating efficiency.
  • Voltage Sag – Voltage sag or dip is caused by a sudden increase in load, a voltage drop in the power grid, or a fault in the system.
  • Voltage Swell – Is caused by sudden changes in load or when a fault on the system is cleared.
  • Voltage Interruption – It can be caused by a fault in the distribution system or by lightning strikes.
  • Flicker – It is caused by sudden changes in load, such as the starting of large motors, or by the operation of certain power system equipment like arc furnaces, welding machines, or large drives.
  • Electrical interference – Electrical noise can result in signal degradation that can interfere with the equipment’s functioning.
  • Lack of grounding – Without proper grounding, sensitive electronic equipment can malfunction or become damaged.
  • Harmonics – Electronic devices with nonlinear loads produce harmonics that can interfere with distribution equipment’s operation.
  • Power Factor – Inefficient systems tend to have more apparent power than active power, leading to wastage of energy and possibilities of equipment damages.
  • Transients – These caused by events such as lightning strikes, switching operations, or faults in the power system.

How HY helps

  • To fix power quality issues, we conduct a power quality analysis. We check things like voltage, current, frequency, and harmonics to find any problems with the power.
  • To manage changes in voltage and keep the power steady, we suggest equipment like voltage regulators, stabilizers, or transformers.
  • To deal with power quality problems, we suggest power conditioning equipment like surge protectors, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and harmonic filters.
  • We suggest good-quality electrical equipment, like motors, transformers, and inverters, can lower the chances of having power quality issues.
  • We make sure the electrical systems are grounded and bonded properly can get rid of ground loops and lower noise and interference.
  • We teach your staff about power quality problems and how to fix electrical equipment issues can help them quickly find and solve power quality problems.
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